Diplomate of American Board of oral & Maxillo facial surgery Diplomate of National Board of Anesrhesia
The foliowing Te instructions which must be followed prior to havine orai surgical procedures performed. under sedation o. “narfi”rir;
- Do not eat or drink anything, including water, eight hours prior to appointment. If your appointment is the first thing in the morning, do not eat or drink anything past midnight.
Any medications which must be taken (blood pressure, antibiotic, premed, etc.) can be done so with small sip of water. - AII patients with a Jhistory of asthma must bring an inhaler for surgery.
- An adult driver must accompanyyou and drive you home after the procedure.
- Notifvthe doctor iif’you have a cold, sore throat, or other illness prior to the procedure.
- Prior to the procerlure, remove dentures, contact lenses, and nail polish.
- Wear comfortable,:lothes,Ioose arm sleeves or short sleeves with flat shoes.
- After the procedure, you should not drive or operate machinery untii the following day.
- The day of surS!4/, someone should be with you at home to assist and to help prevent falls.
- AII cell phones are to be turned offin the operatory as they can effect monitoring equip:nrent.
The doctor has reviewed the above with me, and I have read, understood, and will comply with the written instructions noted above.